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October 23, 2010


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Thought you might like this link if you haven't seen it already– http://www.seriouseats.com/2010/10/how-to-make-apple-chips-slideshow.html#show-114450. Maybe a tea-infused simple syrup for the apples?


thank you for this fabulous apple chip tutorial. I can't wait to crunch on apple chips while sipping a hearty black tea.

I actually made an apple simple syrup to add to black tea, so maybe I'll reverse it and steep my apples in a black tea simple syrup with lavender honey?


Delightful ideas. I especially like the ice cube suggestion since I often add a touch of fruit juice to water to give it a bit of personality. Cheers.


yes, I love to pop the tea cubes into water for a quick splash of cool tea flavor.

I'll have to try adding fruit juice as well! thanks for the tip.

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