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February 12, 2011


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Michael Lammers

I use bees wax for a skin and lip moisturizing balm. Using any number of herb infused vegetable oils I like using a blend of olive and sunflower or olive and grape seed oil or avocado oil infused with some rosemary, lavender or lemon peel and some ginger root or simply add a drop or two of a naturally extracted essential oil like sandalwood blended with some beeswax to make a balm.

Skin balms use 5 parts oil to one part bees wax and lip balms use 3 or 4 parts oil to one part bees wax. Gently heat the oil in a double boiler and place the beeswax in the oil and let it melt. Remove the mixture and pour it into a mason jar once there is no more solid wax visible and stir it gently while the mixture cools until it becomes cloudy.

Once cloudy just let the mixture rest until it cools to room temperature. once completely cooled it will have a very light pale yellow to beige color and will be opaque.

When you scoop some of the mixture in your hand and rub some on your hands or skin int melts immediately and soaks into the skin quickly and remains relatively grease-less and non staining.

I learned how to make this from a mutual friend of your Husband and I (John Foord) almost 30 years ago.

Note: The ratio of oil to beeswax may need to be adjusted depending on seasonal temperature variations the ratios shown here are for a Fall/Winter blend.

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