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August 21, 2011


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Your description sounds dreamy. I absolutely love adding honey to lattes instead of sugar. Perfection!


I love that place! And I'm jealous you live so close. Last time I was in Philly I took a train, then a $70 cab ride to get there. I get inspired there.

They sell my soaps & candles too! In fact, I make some custom ones just for them.

Fantastic place! In another lifetime I'd love to work there.


Isn't it just magical. We'll have to meet for tea when you make the next trip :)

Oh yes, I love your soaps and candles. I have fond memories of your milk & honey candle. perfection! What's your favorite scent?


Thanks Kasey! Honey does add such wonderful sweet notes to tea, especially when it's whisked into frothy milk and rich masala chai steeps.


I LOVE this drink at terrain! Did you try the cold version as well?

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