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September 22, 2011


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Kristin Appenbrink

I agree! This looks delicious and I can't wait to try it. I want to plan a trip to go apple picking somewhere soon so I can get fresh-from-the-orchard cider.


I know. Apple picking needs to happen this fall. I've been adding fresh cranberries and apple slices to black tea to give it some fall flavor. But fresh pressed cider post picking would be amazing. Until that happens, I'll keep skipping over to the farmers market for cider pressed that morning.

A Girl With Tea

What a fun idea! We've got an orchard not to terribly far away that grows Honeycrisp apples (Yum!). They also provide fresh, chilled apple cider. I had never thought to heat the cider and use it to steep tea; I'll have to give it a try :)

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