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September 26, 2011


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What a fabulous idea...and I am obsessed with honey. Yum.


Thanks Susan. Do you have a favorite spot for local honey?


It's recently dawned on me that I should seek out my local honey-maker/beekeeper because I bet the taste doesn't compare with store-bought honey. To the Santa Monica farmers market I go, in search of locally produced honey!


That sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm sure that your local farmers market will have some honey, or yo can at least chat with a farmer who might know where to get some. Enjoy!

Armadillo Pepper

We use a lot of local honey and honey from other parts of the country, ranging from a sweetner in our coffee to a topping on ice cream. My kids and I have enjoyed honey tastings just like some like wine tastings. I think the labeling by zip code is very unique. I'd love to see if I could taste the difference in the zip codes.

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