I have a soft spot in my heart for marshmallows. And my taste buds are pretty fond of them as well. The petite treats are perfect companions for a cup of tea or even a chai tea s'more. Although, I must admit that I had never let the sweet bites mingle in a cup until the lovely Joy Cho of Oh Joy! inspired me to do so. And after sending her a "thank you for the inspiration" email, she kindly let me in on her steeped secret: she especially likes to make marshmallow tea lattes with green brown rice tea & coconut black tea.
While I have tried this tea trick several times, adding a creamy burst to the simplest steep, I decided to really indulge this morning by making a Matcha & Rose Vanilla Marshmallow Latte (doubling up on the dairy by using milk instead of water). As I waited for the milk to warm on the stove, I made the matcha green tea paste. I slowly whisked the vibrant green paste into the steaming milk, and stirred in a few fluffy, pink Rose Vanilla marshmallows from Whimsy & Spice. Within seconds, I was sipping the creamy tea treat with hints of rich vanilla, grassy notes of matcha and soft floral flavors of rose. Such a delightful way to sip in spring....