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February 13, 2013


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I love that spoon - it looks perfect for scooping tea (another tea tool!). Any suggestions on where to get one like it?


Yes, another tea tool! I'm not sure where I found that scoop (the problem with too many tea tools), but I found a few here http://www.taooftea.com/categ.php?catid=83



Madame Fromage

Mmmm, lovely. Makes me want to grind up some gen maicha and sprinkle it on popcorn for a nutty, herbaceous change of pace. Do you think that would work? The puffed rice made me think of it.


Madame, yes it would add a nutty touch to popcorn. And if you want to be truly decadent you could make a genmaicha butter and melt it over the popcorn.

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